#that's the fault of lefTiSm!!!
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kil9 · 2 months ago
so why do the "foreigners are gona come meddle in american politics" crowd not care about elon musk 😐
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rotzaprachim · 2 years ago
a wild flavor of tumblr user is a certain kind of white American self id’d leftist or commie who reblogs and posts things about I just think all liberals and centrists should DIE (*guillotine* meme) and then posts things needing to be nicer to demographics that vote 80% Republican and are very systemically involved in the structural and practical oppression of people of color and the whole US hegemony like brooo I get having a seriously messy relationship with your own cultural background but who are you talking about? Guillotining everyone at mawmaw’s thanksgiving?
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transrevolutions · 2 years ago
it's not okay to blame civilians for the actions of their government. unless they are members of the military, police force, or government itself, it is not their fault what their leaders do. no direct democratic countries exist in the present day. when national powers go to war or suppress human rights, the civilians are not at fault.
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all-doggirls-go-to-heaven-2 · 4 months ago
Hey btw if you post the "the reason men are getting more and more alt-right is 'leftism' and 'feminism'"I am blocking you. I do not care if we were mutuals. I have no respect for people that think we need to coddle men and our main fault as a movement is not coddling men.
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starmada4546 · 3 days ago
The Derailing Trump Train
This essay is by-and-large for people like me who regularly have to deal with conservative family members or coworkers or whatever godawful thing makes you have to put up with these kinds of people. If that's not you, the advice in this one probably isn't going to be very helpful, but you're welcome to stick around for the analysis, if you like.
As the veneer of moderate, respectable conservatism slips away, people are going to start getting their buyers remorse. I've already heard people discussing how they aren't fond of Trump's policy on Ukraine, or his tariffs, or how Elon Musk is slashing federal jobs and giving himself multibillion dollar contracts. Its... highly frustrating to say the least. When I hear a very conservative uncle talking about how Trump's promised tax cuts don't include him, it makes me want to scream "How the fuck can you possibly be so selfish?! You people have had almost a decade to realize this man is a serious contender for Worst Human Alive and the only time you can start caring is when it impacts you?!"It really hurts to see a man who has spent the last decade fanning the flames of fascism, destroying lives, spreading bigotry, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, only lose his supporters after he starts hurting them specifically.
For those unfamiliar, there's a meme on the internet that many people like to quote in these sorts of situations. It goes something like "'But I didn't think the leopards would eat my face!' sobs woman who voted for the leopards eating people's faces party."
Since the original incident that started this meme, Leopards Ate My Face has become a term that refers to conservatives who voted for a conservative politician who proceeded to do something to hurt them, usually because said conservative voter didn't bother to figure out what said politician actually stood for. It's a popular meme for good reason; it's cathartic to laugh at the comeuppance of others, right?
I generally speaking disagree. This sort of thing drives me absolutely up the wall. It's selfish people finally getting hurt by their own selfishness, but in a vast majority of cases, those selfish people still won't accept they were ever actually in the wrong. It's always that they were lied to, or that the circumstances changed, or some other bullshit excuse that serves the same rhetorical purpose: I can't possibly have been wrong, so something outside my control intervened. This is, of course, demonstrating a key feature of the conservative mindset, which is the fundamental lack of self accountability. If there was any acknowledgement that everything that was going to happen was well known in advance, that political scholars and economists and journalists were Screaming From The Fucking Rooftops that this was going to happen, they'd have to acknowledge that there were steps they could have taken to have not caused harm for themselves, because in the fundamental selfish narcissism of conservative thought, the only thing that is immutably morally wrong is anything that hurts me.
If there was any acknowledgement that they could have done five minutes of research to keep from committing the most egregious of moral sins, doing something against their own interests, they'd have to accept that they bear the responsibility for that. So it is always, always, someone else's fault. Any evidence they could have used is dismissed out of hand; the news stations are lying, the economists are profiteering hacks, and the political scholars are propagandists.
But go far enough down the train tracks, they start running out of people to blame. When they're far enough out from the election that the opinions and writings of the fourth estate don't matter to them anymore, the republicans control all three branches of government, and most of what vestiges of leftism still exist in the government are seemingly hellbent on being the most ineffectual, pathetic doormats in the history of opposition parties, the list from the center of the Venn Diagram of "People who I think have the power to screw me over" and "People who I hate," starts growing dangerously short for their cognitive dissonance. It may not often seem like it, but there is a limit to how far these people can stretch and distort their own reality.
This is where we see the step of most groups built on ideologies of hate, supremacy, and/or exploitation wherein the members of the group begin to turn on each other, or at the least to begin their own balkanization. Remember, the very last person they can blame for their woes is themselves. They will blame anyone and everyone else, including their Der Fuhrer before they go that far. If they start running out of people to blame, they find new ones.
(This also mirrors a key feature of fascism, where when an outgroup can no longer be reasonably blamed for the problems of a society due to their absence or lack of cultural relevance, and are replaced with new outgroups, thereby making the ingroup smaller and smaller, but I'm sure that's only a coincidence, wink wink nudge nudge.)
So, after analyzing the toxic narcissism inherent to this worldview, I'm gonna go ahead and proceed to light myself on fire with napalm by defending it.
Ok ok, I'm not actually going to defend it. But I am going to ask for it to be encouraged?
This behavior is absolutely fucking terrible, don't get me wrong, but it is also self destructive, at least as far as cohesive fascist movements go. When they start pointing the blame fingers at each other, that is the death knell for fascism. Fascism exists because it's an ideology of hate, but it proliferates because it doesn't market itself that way. It markets itself as a series of benefits for the average everyman, which are obtained through bigotry. When those benefits don't materialize, which they can't, because bigotry has never served anyone but those who already hold all the power, it creates resentment and distrust. This is usually where the fascists point at something else and say "Look, a minority!" but that strategy only works for so long before it becomes put-up or shut-up.
So believe me, when that conservative uncle complains about Trump's tax cuts and you just want to go ballistic, I understand that sucks. But I urge you, smile and nod. It's a low bar at this point, but he's taking a second to think about it. Maybe it isn't going to get him to take his head out of the Kool-Aid fountain, but resentment and distrust don't start a violent boil overnight. In fact, we don't need a violent boil. We don't necessarily need for these people to start voting for democrats, we just need them to decide they'd rather not bother heading to the polls on election day. A small simmer is enough.
Because eventually, when Trump strips enough of the iron off of the track, the train derails.
In the wise and seemingly eternal words of Sun Tzu, "Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."
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nark-my-words · 1 month ago
sleep apnea isn't even unique to fat people and has plenty to do with genetics and windpipe shape but in my opinion, being "overweight" and bringing it up in disability spaces can be a really good litmus test for how fatphobic and slimy someone actually is and where their disability advocacy begins and ends
the leftism leaving disability advocates' bodies when fat people have a disorder ppl characterize as their fault etc
i know this sounds like I'm making up a guy but other ppl who are "Overweight" and have sleep apnea will get it. people treat us like shit lol
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batboyblog · 5 months ago
I just saw someone call "vote blue people" fascists today on this godforsaken website. They also rambled about Jews Zionists a little too much and repeated some blatant blood libel points so like, I shouldn't take anything they say seriously but.
Is that what we've come to? People voting for Democrats, the party that wants to destroy the world and its people the least... Fascists? Is there no winning with these damn people? What the hell is considered acceptable to them anymore?
hm, I mean I think there are a number of different types of these people. I think there are people who grew up in Republican households and took on all the anti-Democrat baggage and their leftism is rebellion against mommy and daddy but not very deep.
I think there are people influenced by the silly idea that the worse things get the better it is for the Communist Revolution thats totally about to happen any day now we swear, Karl Marx the once and future King will rise from his sleep to lead Britain in its hour of greatest need or whatever.
I think the media are really failing, because they love an idea of "balance" but like when it comes to say Republican criminality there isn't balance? there's no Democratic counter point? so they have to under cover Republican scandal and also lean into an unthinking narrative that whatever Republicans do is somehow Democrats fault? in some way "why didn't Democrats stop them?" well because thats not how it works? why did Republicans do it in the first place? why wasn't the public aware thats what Republicans would do if elected?
I think the antisemitism is a big factor this time around as you mentioned the raving about Zionists or whatever, putting all issues on the back burner to somehow "punish" Democrats for the fact a war broke out in a foreign country on the other side of the world when a Democrat happened to President.
which leads me to the final part, propaganda. When Trump was President he recognized Israel's annexation of two areas, East Jerusalem which has long been talked about as the site for a Palestinian capital, and the Golan Heights a legal part of Syria. This is the first time an American President (or any world leader) had recognized land occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War as a PART of Israel, rather than occupied. Trump went further and put forward a plan drafted by Israel and right wing American Israel hawks which would have reduced Palestine to a bunch of little islands of sovereignty cut off from each other by land annexed to Israel. A Palestine of bridges and tunnels. And Netanyahu claimed, and I believe him, that Trump said he could go ahead and annex that land even if the Palestinians said no to the deal (which they did)
do you remember the big protests then? no? none? you don't recall any of this? strange... because there are big bot networks boosting content about this conflict, making sure it makes it into your timeline, making sure you tie it to somehow be Democrats fault and that its the most important thing in the world and showing how upset you are by it is the single most important thing imaginable. All day, every day.
As far as Palestine goes, there are two options. The Party that believes in a two state answer, and the party that doesn't. Trump already signed off on annexation once, when he's back in office, now, after October 7th? ooof. Any one who's serious and not cooked knows which is the better choice.
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shoujoboy-restart · 4 months ago
I (cis male) feel a bit alienated by the narrative of "young are disenfranchised and that's why the far-right is able to recruit them" not because it's wrong or it's not a true statement by most part but the thing is: the disenfranchisement is mostly caused by right wing and conservative narratives within our culture, and left wingers aren't responsible for creating it but they haven't been able to provide too decent of a remedy for it and are too focused on solely scolding cis het men for having been convinced by these right wing narratives into going against their self interest.
In reality, right wingers convince people the cause the disenfranchisement and male abandonent is actually at fault of progressive ideals within society.
For example the whole "male loneliness" debacle, yeah, cis het men are struggling a lot with loneliness, isolation and lack of connections, but that is mostly platonic and also with their family and relatives, however red pillers are able to convince men that Acshually™ they should focus solely on romantic and sexual connections with women ("no you are not gay or bisexual, that's leftist propaganda made gender theory marxist post modernism so stop being a fag") and that in fact this is the fault of feminism and leftism because women now don't have to rely on random men to function within a misogynistic society where a woman can't get a education or a house without a husband's permission.
Yes, leftism needs to abandon the whole shitting on men and the whole quirky misandry shit if they want to convince young males to just not be horrible people.
However, comma, in addition. Realistically speaking, even if you were doing the most mollycoddling towards men and became a an actual pick-me, no, many of these dudes wouldn't become normal because misogynistic and sexist ideologies would still be in effect, profitable and socially dominant. So yeah throw out the "kill all men" mentality but also don't be fucking mollycoddling mysoginy and sexism mindsets "cuz different opinions".
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autistichalsin · 5 months ago
Honestly, the most reliable way to find out whether someone is really an actual leftist or just likes the aesthetic is by looking at their stances on the human rights of prisoners.
Do you actually think prisoners are still people, or do you think they forfeited their basic rights by being convicted of a crime (and please note the distinction between the terms "convicted of a crime" and "committed a crime," because these are not synonymous). Do you get angry at prisoners having little things that make their lives more tolerable, like books and TVs, OR are you a sadist who growls that they're "there to be punished"? Do you think prisons have an obligation to care for the health of prisoners, seeing as they have no choice but to be there, or do you grumble that "I don't get my healthcare paid for" (in America naturally) and thus think it's the prisoners' fault and not the lack of universal healthcare? Do you see that forcing prisoners to fight wildfires for cents an hour is slavery, or do you think slavery is an acceptable punishment? Do you think it's only basic common sense to offer pathways for prisoners to get a GED during their sentences- which is proven, time and again with empirical evidence, to reduce recidivism rates- or do you think it's not fair to pay for educating "lowlife criminals"? Do you think the death penalty is the ultimate infringement on human rights even in the best circumstances, and a tool for miscarriage of justice at worst given how many innocent people have been convicted, or does your desire to enjoy the suffering of the "right people" make you support it? Do you understand that prison systems are a tool for enforcing structural oppression, particularly towards people of color, poor people, queer people, and the mentally ill, or do you think that's just an acceptable cost for making sure the bad guys get punished? Do you care that the bad guys actually DON'T get punished seeing as how wealthy white rapists almost universally go free, or do you just enjoy the comfort of your imagined scenario too much to let go of it?
Prisons are the real true litmus test for self-proclaimed leftism because the standards are so low that they're in hell and most still can't even match those
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based-bobcat · 11 months ago
It's interesting that Ollie does most of the things Jason thinks Bruce doesn't do.
>Killing criminals, specifically avenging someone
As absolutely shit as Cry for Justice was, the fact that Ollie killed Prometheus for maiming Roy and killing Lian was absolutely in-character and Bruce wouldn't have done that. Bruce was dead at the time, but you bet your ass he would've tried to bring Ollie in after.
>Thinking about the little guy
A core aspect of Ollie's character is his leftism, I mean, his stance on looking out for the little guy. JLU isn't the only time he rejected joining the league because it was too far removed from the streets. He's more likely to protect people who loot supermarkets during a crisis than the owner who tries to shoo them out (This happened in 52). As much as bad writers would like you to think otherwise, Bruce would NOT condone rioting or looting of any kind.
>Looser parenting/Showing affection more.
Look, Ollie was a notoriously bad parent back in the day. But we can say that his hands-off approach did help Roy more than Bruce's my way or the highway type parenting with Jason. Both Roy and Jason had the same issues when they were kids (probably one of the reasons they get along so well, eh?), but at least Roy was allowed to go with the Titans. Being with kids his age probably helped immensely with his growth. And while Batman has trouble admitting he loves his Made Found family*, even too himself, Ollie doesn't have that problem. He tells his kids he loves them all the time and the amount of bear hugs he gives them cannot be counted on 4 hands.
Lest we forget that Bruce's way of ebbing Jason's anger issues was either to ignore it or telling him to his face that taking him in was a mistake.
Also Jason liking Ollie over Bruce is funny, because Bruce would fucking HATE it.
-*I know current writers, Tom the fanfic writer Taylor, like to write Bruce as someone who tells his wards he loves them every single opportunity he gets, but i'm sorry but that's just not him. Bruce is a severely emotionally stunted man and has trouble telling anyone he loves him. One might argue that this Alfred's fault, since he kept his distance emotionally until it was to late. a mistake he recognized and vowed to not make again with Dick, but that's a post for a different day.
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thoughtaddictand · 9 months ago
Pro-Palestinians are at fault for the rise of the far right in Europe
Pro-Palestinians, in particular the protests on their behalf, are at fault for the strong turnout for the right-wing populist parties in the European Parliament elections. They have put the obnoxiousness of muslim immigrants and far leftists on full display.
The average person here in Europe, who form the silent majority, doesn't give two shits about the Palitards. They support Israel, if not every single of its policies, at least its existence. They also realize that Palitards are a violent, non-peaceful people, against whom you HAVE to do something. Otherwise they'll harm good Israelis.
Now imagine being confronted with pro-Palestinian stupidity day after day: Them doing things like blocking highways, harassing Jewish worshippers and Jewish exhibitions, highjacking holidays and other festivities (like pride), and just TRYING to flaunt their obnoxiousness everywhere. You'd be justifiably pissed off, right?
Now imagine there's the "European People's Party Group", which is far-right, which is anti-leftism by nature, and also anti-Islam. It must sound so appealing to people sick of hearing about Palestine, don't you think?
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aspiringwarriorlibrarian · 10 months ago
Why did we (general, non-specific "we") decide that the liberals are the real enemy of leftism, and that the left should make common cause with the far right to destroy them? it just seems like a huge strategic error, and i was hoping that we all got that shit out of our system by now after seeing that it always leads to worse outcomes
Because when you're in an echo chamber, the enemy becomes the people slightly different to you and you forget that outside are people who deeply hate your guts and that democracy requires convincing the most amount of people to support your causes, not subdividing into the most ideologically pure factions.
e.g. The people complaining that I tagged a post with "israel hamas conflict" because they've spent most of their time on Tumblr with people who tag it "gaza genocide". Meanwhile, outside of Tumblr, more than half the country sees it as a war where we need to support Israel unconditionally and any civilian casualties are Hamas' fault and necessary sacrifices.
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marmorada · 1 year ago
I am so fucking sick of people acting like widespread, corrosive flaws in leftism like misogyny and antisemitism and white savior complexes are just transient not-real-left things like "growing pains", "remnants of a conservative upbringing," and "misplaced righteousness". If it's bad it's magically not leftist and if it comes to the point where evidence is public and incontrovertible the most you can admit is that well when it's us it's a wittle itty baby problem that's really not that bad.
We don't live in a fucking Marvel movie, political factions aren't fucking superhero teams. You don't get to say oh this person is evil so they were NEVER a TRUE member of the Avengers, Steve, this is HYDRA'S fault... There is no magical, spiritual, emotional, or otherwise, component to being part of a political faction. People don't get disqualified and minimized and quietly shuffled away if you don't like them to save your precious self-image. This isn't a YA book or a children's cartoon.
Clean. Up. Your. Movements.
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oblivionbladetd · 2 months ago
Anti-capitalist here! What really annoyed me about Lily own position of leftism is that she has no problem kissing the feet of big animation industry’s and put almost all the faults on creators of said animated formats they make, but talking about how industry should not be abolished and give the production and resources to actual workers, aka the creators of animation, she is silent on that.
I’m also critical of creators of said animation they make, make you can also realized that animation industry are inherently corrupt and should be abolish right then and there!
Honestly if she would’ve know what my leftist policies are, because they’re EXTREMELY far left, she would have a heart attack if she hears the things I talk about!
To give her any credit, there are creators out there that could stand to be lasso'd in like a stubborn cow. Now that we are done talking about George Lucas and David Cage, you are so fucking right.
Uncontraversial take, no company or corporation is ever your friend or is working in your best interests. Disney is not looking to enrich shit or push the envelope on nothin'. The greenlight meetings are less talking about beautiful art you want to bring into the world, and more tricking joyless million and billionaires to give you money in return for more money later.
No billionaire is your friend, and a boardroom of them would peel the skin off your bones with their bare hands for a 2% increase on their wealth.
Not every creator is this uncritisizeable golden child, but the priorities of going up to bat for a corporation to spite one or two individuals is FAR BEYOND absolutely fucked.
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rigginsstreet · 1 year ago
Infuriates me actually that people really look at the billy/karen situation and basically label billy as jailbait. Like “oh he doesn’t look like a teenager he’s so attractive of course Karen was gonna go for that she’s so sad and lonely in her marriage she just wants some dick it’s not her fault ☹️”
Like if you EVER said that about a male in regards to a teenage girl you’d be rightfully berated but somehow when it’s a dude - particularly a dude you don’t like and think is worthy of eternal punishment - suddenly that rhetoric is okay suddenly the leftism leaves your bodies I don’t know what the fuck goes on in your heads and I’m better for it
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hasdrubal-gisco · 9 months ago
the part about the EU elections that people with green/center-left faves simply don’t understand is that people simply don’t want to vote against their self interest. i haven't talked about this much on here, but i really urge people to let go of the view politics through a "something is Left, therefore it follows that it is Good" and focus on the individual policy proposals and their outcomes. i maintain that understanding economics as a series of mediated conflicts between classes with opposing interests is the best way to understand what's going on - and solutions should be routed through this understanding as well. the fact that what has since its inception been an economic movement has been co-opted by a branch of academia that amounts to historical fiction (i will continue to refer to this as Left, leftism, etc. so as to deliberately divorce it from marxism. it admittedly also has little to do with the jacobin club of the national assembly where the L-R distinction comes from but nobody thinks about this anyway (rip)) is not my fault, but i will not cede this ground to them.
locally, the pirate party released a very embarrassing "we failed to explain the merits of our platform to voters" message regarding their relative underperformance. it's easier to believe a failure of messaging than a success in messaging an unappealing platform. the same was said by an unsuccessful presidential candidate about adopting the euro last year. do not be like this !
mucho texto warning, discussion on specific things that affected the election outcome:
the war in ukraine – putting this first because to me this is the primary fault-line between dissident (regardless of where on the L-R spectrum they aesthetically place themselves) and mainstream political movements. the consequences of the nonsensical EU sanction packages and aid deals has been completely absent from the conversation. “maybe we should put fewer ukrainians in a meat grinder” has for the past two years been a taboo stance which gets a politician derided as a far right/far left russian lickspittle. institutional commitment to the war negatively impacts people economically first directly (increase in food, energy expenses) as well as indirectly (opportunity cost, increased capital expenditure, lower market confidence - translates into increased job insecurity, suppression of wages for employees), and many simply disagree that this is a worthwhile tradeoff. whether this a majority/minority position depends country to country, but it is a very strong issue capable of changing voting patterns. another factor is the view that it as an american-russian proxy war, and europe being roped in is an erosion of both EU and national sovereignty. anyone with eyes can see ukraine simply will not win this war. if you think any month now the trident will fly over moscow you’re simply delusional. creditors like the EIB and ERBD (which are definitely not three germans, and three americans in a trench coats respectively) will spend the next 40 years smacking their lips
economic policy – europe is long overdue for a reevaluation of what left-right means. the main reason the center-left collapsed (in western europe in the ‘00s, in eastern europe in the ‘10s) is they are simply no longer parties representing a continuation of the historical fight for worker self-empowerment. simple as. some amount of this can be blamed on the american NGO industrial complex (more on this later), but most of it is just institutional rot. in every “social democratic party” there have been defectors to the “people’s democratic movement” (far right), as well as communist parties because it’s the only place where you can have actual pro-social policies. people have completely given up their right to fight for economic self-interest in exchange for adopted social struggles (again - more on this upcoming). many a “far-right” party has campaigned on lessening state surveillance, introducing the right to recall appointed political functionaries like judges, police, more public oversight over budgetary discretion, more transparency in regional governance. all hallmark traits of fascism, i suppose. nobody is interested in trillion-euro green policies that create a new tax for registering your petrol-vehicle while enriching german polycrystalline silicon manufacturers. we want to split the atom and we want it split now !
sovereignty – post-ww2, western europe fell wholly under the american sphere of influence, to an extent on par with russian influence in the warsaw pact. it is very gauche to acknowledge out loud how much influence NGOs and thinktanks based in the US have on european politics, source: look at what’s going on in georgia (country, sakartvelo). a great number of people have been elevated through conventional politicking to positions of power they cannot handle, and their responsibilities get delegated out to unelected consultancies which gain access to relatively impactful matrices of statecraft. entire social concepts are being imported and dumped onto people, and “authentic grassroots advocacy groups” are ready to receive this garbage and pretend this has always been the center of conversation here. more and more people are recognizing it and deciding to elevate sovereigntists in revolt, and it is a good thing. macron has had terrible domestic politics (except for raising retirement age), but his recent diplomatic grandstanding has been good to see. anglo-german cultural displacement of france on the european scene has been a disaster, as i have and will continue to insist on.
immigration – this one is for sure going to be popular on the “please be niceys” website. to pre-qualify, i am a resident alien in the country i live and work in, many of you are also resident aliens wherever you may be, some are intra-eu foreigners (i am not). at some point, we have to open the space for conversation enough to ask the question “is losing a doctor and gaining a bus driver overall good ?”. this point will probably go over better with europeans because they know what i mean, the american mind cannot comprehend brain-drain because it is the one place where it does not happen. americans are not finishing medical school to go move to nicaragua to make that moneyyy. america is gaining a lot of bus drivers but they’re not losing highly educated and specialized workers (except a couple chemical engineers going out to gulf states to do white collar work in oil refineries. wish that was me). it blows my mind how you can understand the concept of strike-breaking being bad, and simultaneously advocate for the import for a cheap labor force from abroad. it is doing you no favors, and it is doing the country where people come from no favors. the only people who benefit from this are those with enough capital to arbitrage this by depressing your wages or outright replacing you. you can posture and talk about inherent racism of european states all you want, but it is plainly obvious to anyone that non-european immigrants are treated by the law with a very soft hand even in cases of violent crime precisely to not seem racist. if someone’s culture has lax views on whether rape is actually bad, i personally am very comfortable saying that culture should be suppressed with the threat of force. lol ! being tolerant of indiscriminant violent crime is simply not a heckin’ wholesome leftist attitude. either you believe they are capable of not being rapists or you believe they are incapable of that. which is it ? to be clear, eastern europeans are heavily overrepresented in robbery and burglary in western europe – this is a bad thing and they should not do it, and i think it would be reasonable to have stricter controls even for them. as someone who has never robbed, burgled, killed, or raped, these policies are simply not a threat to me. sorry if robbers and burglars and murderers and rapists feel discriminated against, quite frankly they should be glad we don't do corporal punishment. you need to be sober and recognize people are coming here because they see a system easy to take advantage of, and they will be upset if it is denied to them, and you have to be comfortable making people upset. there is no argument in favor of unrestricted immigration other than "please be niceys," do not project your self-hate on a society you have to share with people who are normal.
youth – genuinely has anyone else been actively reaching out to the 35-25 demographic by offering a vision of a better future ? has any mainstream center-left or center-right party ever done any engagement that didn't amount to demanding loyalty because "that's how things are" ? do not say greens, because the vision greens offer simply is not better. sorry you will never sell someone on "please please lower your standards harder" when standards have already been decreasing anyway.
covid – this is a minor point in this round of election, but it does have to do with the overall vibe-shift. people who were skeptical of the rules imposed during covid, as well as the very rapid release of vaccinations were publicly shamed and derided as far-right, and told they deserved to not have access to any other forms of healthcare etc. establishment institutions paid a very high price in terms of their legitimacy, and now article after article is coming out walking back a lot of what was said, and admitting many decisions were made randomly and in the heat of the moment.
war in gaza – probably fairly low on most people's list of priorities, again, this war has a very predictable outcome to people looking from afar who don't care who is going to take over keren shalom border crossing or whatever. other than higher casualty count, it is simply not that different from 2014 and 2008. big deal for europe's large muslim population, along with getting exemptions from mandatory education for their daughters.
closing remarks; of course, nothing will happen, because nothing ever does. any political momentum can and must be squandered on infighting, and we can and will continue this managed decline for another few decades. europe is past its prime, and we're living on retirement being paid by america and china. to some this is good, but i'm just not that kinda guy, i see the missed opportunity and it bothers me.
the grounds for worker self-direction has never been moral, it has been practical. you should advocate for your own interests, and the productive labor force is the section of the population most to gain, as it carries the brunt of the burden. simple as. this thing where you have to advocate on behalf of some more-oppressed other is moralistic masturbation, and it's easy because unlike standing up for yourself, advocating for someone else asks very little of you (source: look around you)
EDIT 1: clearly this was not long enough. the moment an anti-immigration left-coded party emerges, it will win (as is the case in denmark for example). if it is possible to be a "socdem" and not advocate for social democracy, but it is not possible to be a "socdem" and advocate immigration restriction - it is reasonable to conclude "socdem" is defined as belief in more migration, rather than anything "soc" or "dem"
EDIT 2: re: covid, not that anyone has read them or cares but the declassified and unredacted contracts between the EU and pfizer/moderna/AZ are insane. really only means something to someone who already reads regulations regarding pharma but people should be barred from public service for signing some of the shit that was passed
EDIT 3: any aesthetic references to hitler & friends should be taken with the same seriousness as modern communist parties using the hammer and sickle, or government buildings flying lgbtpoc+ flags - not at all, it is aesthetic posturing, and has no practical impact. this isn't power rangers, let's be serious
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